A woman driven to her absolute edge by grief and hatred turns to the darkest of measures to find peace. The film opens with single ex-mother Sophia whose buying a house. She observes everything from the material of the floors, to the direction that the bedroom faces. It doesn’t take long to find out that she is buying it solely to employ a dark magician in hopes of conducting a ritual to make contact with her guardian angel. She claims her intentions are to speak with her dead son, but we slowly learn that there is more on her mind.
The brilliance of the film is in its execution. It subverts typical occult ritual tropes by placing a humongous emphasis on realism. The ritual literally takes months to complete, and even requires them repeating it multiple times. Once they place a line of salt around the outside of the house, they cannot leave and break it. She must stock up on almost a years supply of food, candles, batteries, etc. Much of the ritual requires sitting in designated circles and geometric patterns for days straight without leaving for food, water, sleep, or even to take a piss. But there’s also some where she is basically water tortured or bloodshed is required. It’s played entirely straight and that’s what separates it from most – this is written and directed by a man who is all-in on the concept. No gags, no jump scares, no mockery, just absolute determination and a true study of the arts.
As time passes, and very small things begin to happen, we are faced with doubt and cynicism until things make themselves absolutely clear. Most of the film is full of dread and a very slow, long burn, but the final act certainly gives you what you came for and it pays off so well as lost souls and malevolent entities begin to make contact. It’s a very particular style of film that certainly won’t be for everyone, but if you are even slightly interested in this theme then I highly recommend it.
‘A Dark Song’ is currently streaming on The Roku Channel, Amazon Prime, Vudu, and YouTube.
‘Til Next Time,
Mike Cleopatra
Your source for everything horror