Back in (roughly) February 2020, a documentary titled ‘Horror Noire’ was released to Shudder which explored black representation in the history of horror. After the success, Shudder quickly went to work to continue this trend with a brand new anthology film with the same name.
‘Horror Noire’ shows 6 stories over a 2 hour period. It literally operates like ‘Tales from the Hood’ part 4 – but it fixes the problems the other sequels had. It operates with a bigger team of creative inlets with multiple writers, directors, producers, and a slew of recognizable black actors. The stories range from discussions about the power of hateful symbolism, to gothic history, to a town full of things worst than plain racism. The stories are fun, each fear is creatively divulged, and it’s easy to feel for these people.
If you like horror anthologies, this is a great one. Out of the 6 stories there was only one I didn’t really enjoy. But all the talents are flexing their muscles, and present yet another powerful evolution in black horror.
“Horror Noire” is currently streaming on Shudder.
‘Til Next Time,
Mike Cleopatra
Your source for everything horror