There are those bizarre miminalist sci-fi movies that explore the unknown and makes the viewer fear it. Enter Monolith.
We are following the story of disgraced journalist struggling to reinvent herself and decides to create a podcast called Beyond Believable. She is given a tip to call a woman regarding a brick and from there uncovers a phenomenon regarding people receiving mysterious black bricks. She also finds links to her past and must figure out the truth beyond the lies.
So the coolest part of this movie was leaning into the podcast bit. You are listening to the stories as she is. Some of include a visual element to them. There’s definitely something very wrong with the bricks and the people who encountered them have been psychologically affected by it. What is intriguing of how the brick first appeared to the different people she speaks too. Everyone dodges the question and you start to wonder why.
Then it becomes where just talking about the brick makes even more bricks appear. People plead with the journalist to drop the story but she is more concerned about getting the truth out there. I am sure Agent Mulder may have been a fan of her podcast.
Then when it’s revealed there is a direct connection between her and the mysterious bricks things get more convoluted. The woman is dangerously obsessed and won’t even listen to a friend who warns her this won’t make anything better. She also thinks she is being targeted due to her talking about the object and she is half right about that.
The ending is very ambiguous. It does kind of explain why people may been so dodgy when asked how that came to possess the black brick. But will leave more questions than answers.
For a movie with only one actor, the rest are just voices, this was a pretty impressive. It’s definitely going to pull you into the story and your feeling something weird is going on the entire time. And then you’re left to form your own theories when the film ends. I liked it because its explores the dangers of obsession and explored themes of paranoia. It’s currently streaming on Amazon Prime if you want to check it out.
If you already seen Monolith what was your take on it? Let us know your thoughts below!
Till next time, stay scared!
-Tha Thrilla-