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Demo Demon – Sinistar(2024)

This upcoming Valentine’s Day, ‘NeXev Media’ & ‘Tales from the Tapes’ very own Demo Demon will be releasing his newest musical composition – “Sinistar”. We here at the Gruesome Gazette were gifted with a review copy before it hits the internet in a few days, and after listening through the entire piece a couple of times, there’s lots to be excited about here.

For starters, Demo Demon has a musical sound that’s rather enigmatic. He is able to combine elements of horrorcore hip hop, metal, and pop rock to make a sophisticated sound that changes from track to track, and sometimes during the course of a single track as well. The musical backing tracks vary from a heavy metal style full of blast beats and slams, into synth-heavy pop, and then sadder-toned and aggressive traditional hip hop beats. The element of surprise is strong all throughout this album and helps make it exciting to listen to, especially considering that at a moment’s notice he will either do a guttural growl, sing with autotune, or just go for intense lyrical rapping.

As for the album itself, it’s a heavy hitting achievement in a very particular way. You can tell by listening to it that it’s the story of a man whose going through Hell and back and trying to find some normalcy in a world that’s crumbling around him. Tracks such as “Valhalla (What’s Next?)”, “Canceled My Subscription”, and “Jack” really paint the picture of isolation and adaptability that he is enduring. The fact that the album can bounce between emotions so effortlessly is a merit that most artists usually fall short on – but when someone is able to manipulate your emotions by conveying their own, that’s the magic that honest music is all about.

It’s a sound that is unique to itself, and in many cases most of these styles would not ordinarily compliment each other, but what Demo Demon is able to capture here is so honest and wholesome that it works almost effortlessly. It’s a manic energy that’s contagious without being in your face or up its own ass.

“Sinistar” is a strong recommendation for anyone who likes hard hitting or morose music, and this new album will be available for free at his bandcamp which can be found here

Recommended Tracks: “Valhalla (What’s Next?)”, “Holy Omen”, “Canceled My Subscription”, “Hunt”, “Like Air”

‘Til Next Time,
Mike Cleopatra

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